Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroep
Erik De Snerck (Partner)
Head of ProVO, working for VRT since 1995, as a subtitler, editor and project manager. Since 2009 head of ProVO as such responsible for implementation of AD at the public broadcast. Involved in a first overview of the technical and editorial consequences for introducing AD. Projectresponsible for a first testcase ‘audiodescription for fiction series’ in 2010. This was presented in September 2010 for the management staff of VRT, with very positive feedback and very specific engagement. Contacts with Flemish Government about implementing a new Government Contract in 2012, contacts with distribution-organisations for Flanders.
erik.desnerck@vrt.be |
Ludo Schats (AD-describer)
Ludo Schats has a degree in Business Management from the Erasmushogeschool, Brussels. He has worked for VRT since 1976, first as a freelancer before becoming a producer for VRT radio. Since 1980 he has worked as a producer, director and writer of radio fiction. In 1990 he switched to television, producing TV-films, drama series and sitcoms. In the period 2009-2010 he produced, directed and wrote a radio series. In terms of audio description he wrote and produced ‘Witse’, a very popular Flemish TV series. He is currently writing and
producing audio description for ‘Wolven’, a Flemish TV series to be broadcast soon.
ludo.schats@vrt.be |
Guido Godon (AD-describer)
Guido Godon has worked for VRT since 1985 first in audio postproduction (TV fiction, drama, sitcoms, soap operas and documentaries) before becoming sound engineer for VRT radio in the music section. Since 2006 he has also been working in audio description.
guido.godon@vrt.be |
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